Cannabis Cookie for Tea

Cannabis Cookie. The Biscuit from the Italian Hemp.

Cannabis Cookie for Tea​.

Delicate and Fun Hemp Cookies ideal for a sweet and nutritious break.
These special Hemp Cookies have been created to satisfy the desire to have Original Biscuits but still respecting the Traditional recipes.
Hemp flour, present among the Ingredients in a percentage <5%, gives the Biscuit a slightly Hazelnut Flavor. Known for its high nutritional values, it is now used in numerous recipes both sweet and savory. Loved by vegetarians, vegans and celiacs, hemp flour does not contain gluten.

Package Contains 4 CannabiSide Tea Cookies with Mixed Green Colored Shapes to recall the color of Cannabis.

They can also be enjoyed by children as they lack Thc and Cbd

Any imperfection guarantees the craftsmanship of the product.

Product subject to weight loss

Lactose-free Dolcetto
Contains gluten


Weight: 45 grams

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