CBD Experience - 8 Selection of Cannabis Sativa Products original from Italian Certified Indoor - Outdoor cultivation.
In Particoular the CBD Experience Include:
1. Fresh Orange: Cbd <16% - Thc <0,5% (0,25 g)
2. Charas Cbd: Cbd <22% - Thc <0,2% (0,15g)
3. Trinciato Mix: Cbd <9% - Thc <0,4% (1,5g)
4. Papel: Cbd <20% - Thc <0,5% (0,25g)
5. Mojito: Cbd <16% - Thc <0,5% (0,25g)
6. Passion: Cbd <10% - Thc <0,5% (0,25g)
7. Purple: Cbd <20% - Thc <0,5% (0,25g)
8. Diesel: Cbd <20% - Thc <0,5% (0,25g)
It is a product intended for Collectibles use, Technical or laboratory use. Conforms to law 242 of 2 December 2016, which supports the promotion of cultivation and the hemp production chain (Cannabis sativa L.).
Variety registered in the Common Catalog of agricultural plant species, pursuant to Article 17 of Council Directive 2002/53 / EC, of 13 June 2002.
It is not an Narcotic product.
Sales to minors under 18 are prohibited.
Product subject to natural weight loss.
It is not a Medical product, Do not inhale, Do not swallow.
Store in a cool, dry place, away from light and heat sources.
Pack in Sachet and Jar of 1 g of Inflorescence