100 mg of 99 % CBD Crystals Pure of Hemp Sativa L.
Cbd stands for Cannabidiol.
The CBD Active Crystals are certainly the most powerful concentrates of CBD (Cannabidiol), a molecule present and extracted from the Hemp Sativa L. Plant known for a long time for all its Beneficial properties.
The beneficial characteristics of CBD crystals come from the extraction of the molecule from the 100% legal plant of Cannabis Sativa L. through advanced laboratory techniques that involve the extraction with the use of carbon dioxide (CO2) which allows a unique purity.
The carbon dioxide used for the extraction evaporates at 100% without leaving any trace in the finished product.
Unlike the Cbd Oil Full Spectrum Oil, the Cbd Crystals contain only the isolated Cbd molecule.
The isolation process takes place with a Supercritical Extraction Method with Carbon Dioxide, at low temperatures, without the presence of solvents or alcohol.
During this phase the CBD is isolated in its most crystalline form and separated from the other Cannabinoids.
The Result is a pure form of Cannabidiol, one of the most important Cannabinoids present in Cannabis Varieties.
It is a NON-Psychoactive Molecule but with multiple beneficial properties.
To date it is not considered a drug, which is why CBD oil does not replace medical therapies, treatment or prevention of any disease.
Even if the idea about Cannabis seems to be changing: read the following article
Despite this, Cannabidiolo is currently under study and examination by the WHO (World Health Institute) for its application in the medical and scientific fields.
Read the original WHO pdf (Whorld Healt Organization) click here
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the most important cannabinoids found in Cannabis varieties. It is a NON-Psychoactive Molecule but with multiple beneficial properties, many still in international study phases.
The Cbd Crystals are presented in Crystalline White Color, in powder or small flakes and with a neutral scent.
Contains Terpenes and is Totally Free from Impurities and THC. 100% produced in Europe.
Produced by 100% Certified Crops of the European Union
Cbd levels ≥ 99%
Cbd Total : 100 mg
Thc levels 0.0 %
Packaging in 100 mg plastic jar Sealed in a packaged sachet
It is not a Medicinal Product indicated for technical and laboratory use.
Crystals are an effective way to take CBD without burning.
I suffer from Cervical and Scoliosis, at least 5 times a month I was forced to take painkillers to endure pain and discomfort.
I tried immediately with the 99% CBD Crystals, a product pin under tongue, and in 40 minutes I feel the pain becoming lighter and more bearable.
A package lasts me for 5 hires, now I bring it with me in my purse next to the lipstick, I must not miss it.
March 2019
Produced in Europe, it is not a Medicinal Product, indicated for technical, laboratory and collector use. Do not ingest, do not inhale and keep out of reach of children. Product sold only to over 18 years.