Cannabis Sativa Charas; This special 100% Legal Cannabis Sativa Resin extracted from a Variety Mix of Cannabis Sativa L., listed in the common catalog of Agricultural Species.
The Resin is obtained with a particular and careful processing of manual rubbing which consists in eliminating, when the cannabis plant has just been cut and then still fresh or by the plants still alive, the trichomes.
The Trichomes are the Famous Stems visible with a magnifying glass or a microscope, present in the flower of the Cannabis Plant which produce cannabinoids and terpenes in large quantities.
What is removed from the plant is a Very Concentrated Black-Brown Cannabis Resin that is sold soft in an irregular form and is famous in the world of "Traditional" Cannabis with the name of Charas.
This Special Cannabis Sativa Charas Resin CBD is also known as Barbuka, Borbuka, Fumo Burbuca or Moroccan and is distinguished by the very high quality that makes it one of the most famous and most internationally renowned Legal Fumes.
Intense and very aromatic scent, Dark Marron color from the oily and soft appearance.
Cbd levels <22%
Thc levels <0.2%
Packaging in 1 g plastic jar
Produced in Europe, it is not a Medicinal Product, indicated for technical, laboratory and collector use. Do not ingest, do not inhale and keep out of reach of children. Product sold only to over 18 years.